Thursday, August 9, 2007

cry no more, ms kang!

ms kang made me emo tdy.
love you deep deep ms kang!
best tutor we've evr met.
i'm sure evryone agrees to tht.
a tchr, or i can evn say, a frnd,
whom have only knwn us fr 5 weeks,
and is willing to sacrifice and spend so much time with us.
smile with me,
or, smile with us.
don't blame yourself,
cause it wasn't your fault.
we rly appreciate evrythng you've done for us.
we all do love you so much.
seeing you sad makes me cry,
seeing you happy makes me smile.
you enlighten me, ms kang!
and i soooo love you!
pls take care of yourself,
and get well soon.
these are some of the pictures we took. (:

bob, kailash and wilfrid,
preparing a rose each for ms kang. (:
wesiong and ashley,
preparing the cake for ms kang.

ms kang's very shocked face whn she sees us! the WOW service. (:
ms kang, being so touched! ((:
ashley presenting the cake for ms kang.

wesiong, jey, teresa, sunshine, ashley, kailash, bob, danny and wilfrid. (:

jey changed with fefe, cause fefe was taking pictures for us, bud she wants to be in the picture. (:
ms kang, giving hugs for evryone, and kisses for all the girls! i evn got this kiss mark on my face. hahas.
look at ms kang's satisfied face. (:
after presenting all the gifts to ms kang,
me, jey, teresa, wesiong and some other classmates sent her to her class.
don't we provide WOW service?
this part is requested to be put on this blog.
weejun was playing with his wallet while on the mrt platform.
he threw it up, juggling with it,
and it got stuck.
can you see the wallet? it's not obvious. it's on the left side.

do you see any humps?

i still don't knw if he got it dwn,
cause he asked for one of the personal's help.
cheers, evryone,
and have a lovely holiday. (:
ashley. (:

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